Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Catholic reading

Hi all--

Am offering the following three books from my shelves for sale at $3 each plus $3 shipping, or buy all three and shipping is $3 for all.

The Catholic Warrior by Robert Abel--stories of men and women performing deeds of valor on the spiritual battlefield--inspiring!!

Challenge and Change--Vol. 1, the Foundation-- a book about founder of Catholic Familyland, Jerome Coniker--extraordinary!!

Why does an Nice Guy Like Me Keep Getting Thrown in Jail? Randall Terry (a pro-life activist, who was at the forefront of the Abortuary sit-in protests.)

Gardening books

Hi all

Am offering the following three gardening books for $8 takes all plus $5 shipping to US locations:

The Complete Gardener--large hardcover 400 pages with color and b&w diagrams and illustrations.

Vegetable Gardening--large soft cover

Flowering House Plants

Most forms of payment accepted, including paypal. Thanks,
